We built KDIV to improve human development and quality of life through digital transformation. We focus on supporting tech startups and skills to fuel economic growth and position KZN as a hub of citizen-centric innovation. We seek partnerships and investments for infrastructure, skills development, efficiency building, and more.
We’re driving digital transformation in KZN by attracting investments in ICT infrastructure. Through public-private partnerships, we aim to roll out infrastructure, enhance essential services, bridge socio-economic disparities, and narrow the urban-rural divide. Join us in creating a globally competitive ecosystem that fosters innovation and social inclusion.
Join us to empower citizens with essential digital skills. We invite investors to fund programmes, discover talent, and contribute to KZN’s tech ecosystem and mentors, collaborators, and skills development experts to help promising startups thrive. Let’s drive a digital skills revolution centred on entrepreneurship, education and employment together.
We recognise the vital role of efficient government services to empower citizens and expedite service delivery. Through close collaboration with partners, we aim to optimise processes, maximise capacity, and deliver lasting benefits to KwaZulu-Natal communities. Join us in creating innovative solutions through public-private partnerships, grants, and digitalisation.
WAF is a pioneering initiative designed to empower and support women entrepreneurs in KwaZulu-Natal. It aims to foster a vibrant ecosystem for women-owned businesses, contributing to the economic growth and social development of the region.
DTF is a multi-facility platform that aims to support and accelerate the digital transformation of businesses, public services, and communities. The fund seeks to foster innovation, enhance digital skills, and improve digital infrastructure to ensure inclusive and sustainable growth in the digital economy.